My coupe by 66Lincoupe

By 66lincoupe
( 4 )

2 minute(s) of a 130 minute read


Well, I finally got off of my butt and am ready to install the final (hopefully) version of the 462. I pulled the second mule out a couple weeks ago and am ready to clean up.

Here's the hole left in the garage. What a tank.

I miss the desert. Kingman was home for a long time.

Contemplating grease... YUK.

The dirty, dusty, bay.

I know the bay is supposed to be body color, but I haven't decided if I am going to paint the car a "pretty" color or just black suede and have it striped... So the bay will be semi-gloss black no matter what. (Sorry Dan.  )

Landau! Did the vinyl top cars get this?

And done with the dirtiest part.


A great build!

Posted by Diggymart on 5/20/19 @ 1:27:23 PM