7 Emergency and Survival Essentials That Should Be in Every Car

By KJacobs
( 3 )

4 minute read

Are you planning a road trip this winter? If so, you need to spend a few minutes preparing your car for safety before you hit the highway. Even though we don’t like to think about them, roadside emergencies and accidents can and do happen, often when you’re least expecting them. So, the best that you can do is plan ahead for these potential emergencies by keeping these safety essentials in your car at all times.

Flashlight with Fresh Batteries 

Getting stuck in the dark is never any fun. If you plan on traveling at night or in the early morning, be sure to toss a flashlight into your glove compartment. Before you do, also make sure that your flashlight has fully charged batteries. You can even keep a few extra batteries in your car as well, but make sure you understand how extreme temperatures affect batteries

Fully Stocked Emergency Kits

Next on your list of auto safety essentials should be an emergency kit. In fact, having a couple of different kits can keep you safe during roadside emergencies. Make sure that you have a complete first-aid kit in your car, as well as some roadside safety equipment, like a vest and flares. Because making yourself visible to other drivers is important for preventing accidents. 

Extra Bottles of Water 

Dehydration can be a serious risk for drivers who are unlucky enough to get stranded by weather or other emergencies. So, ensure you play it safe by keeping some bottled water in the trunk of your car. If you live in an area that is prone to excessive heat during the summer months, be sure to use BPA-free bottles or keep a stainless-steel bottle in your car. 

Warm Blankets and Layers 

Staying warm can be just as important for drivers as staying hydrated. That’s why savvy drivers keep a few extra layers in their cars at all times. Even in warmer months, temperatures can drop without warning at night or during storms, so having some extra blankets in your car is always a good idea. You can also opt for solar blankets to provide some extra warmth and protection. 

Solar-Powered Phone Charger 

You already know that a car charger can come in handy during both long commutes and long road trips. If you end up in a roadside emergency that leaves your car’s battery drained, however, you will need an alternate way to charge your phone, so that you can call for help. Think about investing in a solar-powered charger to keep in your car so that you can keep your phone powered up and keep yourself protected during emergencies.  

Tools for Checking Tire Condition 

Did you know that faulty tires can lead to accidents? Driving with worn-out or old tires on your car or truck can be extremely dangerous, especially when roads are wet or icy. Driving on bald tires during wet conditions can be a fatal mistake, so be sure to check your tires before you get behind the wheel and replace your tires when needed. If your truck could use some new tires, you can shop and compare the best tires online to maximize your safety and your savings. 

Adequate Car Insurance Coverage 

Stocking your car with a few safety essentials can keep you and your passengers protected on the highway but you need sufficient car insurance to be truly protected. Failing to get the right insurance coverage for your car could leave you in a financial bind after an accident or roadside emergency. So in addition to stocking up on emergency supplies, take some time to review your current auto insurance coverage and then use online tools to find the best deals for your budget. If you’d rather not share personal information many companies do allow for anonymous quotes

Roadside emergencies and car accidents can be stressful enough on their own. So, give yourself some peace of mind by keeping some basic safety and survival gear in your car, whether you plan on driving across the country or just driving to work. By doing so, you can save yourself some serious panic and you may even end up saving a life. 

Photo Credit: Rawpixel
