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Girling Brake Booster

Fresh air Vent rebuild

Fresh air Vent rebuild

Heater box rebuild


I decided a few years back that i wanted to build a early Volvo P1800 for my dad and give it to him for this 70th. He had fallen in love with the P1800 when he first saw it, having been a Volvo fan already amd owing several. With the release of the tv series The Saint staring Roger Moore, it only bolstered his ambition to own one. But as life will do, other things got in tje way. In 1967 he had his first son (my brother), then 4 years later he had me. Although it is a 2+2 its not really a car for a growing family, nor was there money for that kind of toy.
I heard over the years how much he loved that car and decided that when i could afford it i would to get one.
My Dad was going to turn 70 in 2010 and although I was always on the look out I started more actively looking around 2005. Although i found a few over the years, none were at the level I felt comfortable starting a restoration on.
Then again as life will do, in July 2010 my father and I were involved in a major car accident. The result was my father needed brain surgery, and my injuries prevented me from working for almost 3.5 years. 2 months after the accident my dad turned 70, i missed my deadline ????.
Aug 20 2016 i saw a posting in Craigslist that evening for a 1968 P1800, it runs. Drives and stops, and is mostly dismantled in prep for a restoration. I contacted the owner that day which was a Saturday and made arrangements to drive to Bremerton WA the next day to have a look.
Coming from Vancouver BC and not knowing there was a ferry i could have used, i embarked in the 5 hour trip down.
I just updated some Pictures, dont have time right now to log all the progress but I now have a running, driving, Provincially inspected and insured Volvo P1800!
The interior needs installing but that will be this winter/spring

Looks great! You really cleaned up the body. What color did you choose? Almost looks like a Ferrari silver.
Posted by miatamatt on 5/8/20 @ 7:42:30 PM

Audi Atlas Grey
Posted by jslightlyfamous on 1/12/24 @ 4:19:01 AM

Looks like it’s really coming along, you should start a build thread with all the progress.
Posted by stevegolf on 2/29/20 @ 10:34:51 PM

I have been so busy with this and other things but have a look at the posted pics
Posted by jslightlyfamous on 1/12/24 @ 4:19:50 AM

Any updates?
Posted by bdub on 11/6/19 @ 5:00:36 PM

been a while but have a look
Posted by jslightlyfamous on 1/12/24 @ 4:18:39 AM

Incredible story, car looks great!
Posted by bdub on 9/22/19 @ 1:56:09 PM
Nice project! These are beautiful cars.
Posted by MPower on 11/25/20 @ 9:28:00 PM