1975 CB550 F cafe... SV650/Ninja frankenbike by verboten1

By diyauto
( 3 )

2 minute(s) of a 36 minute read




I jumped into it not knowing what the heck I was going to do, that's for sure!

slid the forks up in the clamp a little....it looks a bit better now I think...


alright, I have decided to re-do the complete wiring harness on this thing.

I have had this diagram for a while, but it's a pain to follow

So i decided to sit down with visio for a bit to design something that I could follow just by a glance.

I THINK I have the regulator wired up right, IG gets 12V, makes sense to me since it needs juice to power the field windings....I think...
 I know the starter switch originally switched the ground, but that will not be the case now.


well, I still don't have a picture, wiring has been put to the side to get my new ride to daily status

it's good to go now, so between school and work I will be getting back to the bike...

simplified wiring will not be too dificult to get together...just have to figure out what I want o the bike!
