Brendon's '67 Firebird thread by Tuske427

By diyauto
( 5 )

4 minute(s) of a 286 minute read


Thank you for asking. Yes, it went well. I had a lot of people checking it out, and complimenting the bare metal color. I think it was unanimously said to keep it that color. "don't paint it"... Of course, many folks didn't realize all the work that went into it. I had some boards nearby with a snap shot of my build showing what I did to it. Some people still didn't get it, ha ha.  

They video taped me as well. However, I think this was more for them making a video of the event and using this to support that.


No exhaust update this weekend, I wasn't able to get the 309L welding wire I need for mixing SS and mild steel. So it's on order and I assembled my taillights. My electronics engineer buddy was building a set for me, but got lazy and ended up ordering a "Digi Tails" kit for me instead.


Oh my, time sure does fly by. Had a last minute trip to China (for work), and a bunch of other things come up. Not much progress on the 'bird. I was able to muster up getting my exhaust welding finished, painted and hung back under the car, as well as I made some front license plate brackets. Progress is progress....


Happy 2015 everyone! After another month long trip overseas I'm back and I immediately hit the garage. This weekend I made some panels for the rear seat delete. I used sheet metal to also act as a rear firewall and covered it with vinyl. I also started on a panel to close the gap between my radiator and core support to help force the air through the radiator.


Wow excellent!

Posted by Diggymart on 9/23/19 @ 1:21:32 PM