Drawings by melee

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute read


Compliments of melle @ saab-v4.co.uk


Currently following a Rhino3d (design software) course and looking for a nice object to practice skills. It's an advanced course, so no lamp shades or stools any more, rather try a 95!
Now I'm looking for good, clear (technical) drawings of all faces of a square headlight 95 V4 to build a digital 3d model from. There's a couple of good measurements drawings in the factory workshop manual, but no good images of a complete car.
Does anyone have some perchance? Preferably high resolution. Many thanks in advance!


No one? 96 drawings also welcome, then I have at least half of what I need! Plain, clear line drawings are all I need. Many thanks in advance.


Cheers, found that one as well. There's a tiny front view in this one:

Still on the lookout for a bigger drawing of the front as this picture is too small to extract a detailed vector (=scalable) drawing from. I've now extracted side, rear and top views from pics I scanned from the factory manual and other sources. To create a '3D' version I'll need to combine all faces in Rhino3D.

The assignment is to create a 3D model which is partly created from 2d-drawings and partly from scratch. This is my first quick dimension sketch for a 96 box van (heightened cab roof is 95 roof) :

(stretched wheelbase on top one)

My end goal is a Saab version of something like these:
