Peugeot 505 Turbo Project

By diyauto
( 2 )

4 minute(s) of a 65 minute read


Me and my friend was bored today so we decided to do some work with our cars. 

My friend own a Audi GT and he have order a Audi Urquattro tail light and the tail light needed some work.

So I put the engine assembly aside and did some work on one of the 505 tail light to. 

First we wet polish the tail lights with 1000P and 2000P wet sandpaper and painted it with two component clear coat. 

Check out my friends homepage (Swedish only)



I don't know the right word, did a quick googling and found "Clear coat". 

Think the right description for the "paint" we used is: Acrylic Lacquer Clearcoat.


Engine styling

After me and my friend have finished the tail lights we got inspired to continue with some more polishing. We started to do some research how to polish aluminum. Found a lot of resources on the web, found a good Swedish homepage about polishing aluminum (link). We order some tools and equipment that we needed. 

I started to polish the thermostat housing. I have polish the thermostat housing for about 10 hours. It was a good learning experience and I'm pretty satisfied with the result (I could do some more ground work before I started polishing with wet sandpaper).

Here some pictures.

Next project is to polish the valve cover.


Engine modification

We have started to plan the exhaust manifold modification, order pipes from KL-racing. The pipes have a inner diameter of 48.3mm, the gods thickness is 2.6mm and is made of black steel (ST37). 

It took some time to came up with a good solution for how do fabricate the exhaust manifold. To get best performance the pipes to the collector should be the same length. Our exhaust manifold the pipes is almost the same length. We gonna test with this solution if it dose't work we have to rethink the design of the exhaust manifold. We have to to some modification for the engine holding to fit the exhaust manifold. 

We also have bought some parts for the engine modification:

* T25 Flange 

* T25 Gasket 

* End pipe (3'' to 4'')

* Linear fuel pressure regulator 

* Recirculate blow of valve 

(The two last part will be tested in our other 505, gonna purchase better parts for the project car)

"Bonus" pictures of ours 505's  

Now the hunt after a turbo will start, does anyone have a suggestion what turbo we can use?

We have discuss to use one of this following turbos: Garrett T28RS and Garrett GT3071R.
