Finally...a CLEAN front license plate solution that appears / disappears as needed! by EuroBoutique

By diyauto
( 1 )

2 minute(s) of a 5 minute read


Just FYI but this kit is not meant to break the law.

It's meant strictly as a cosmetic item that allows users to retract their plate at car shows, etc. We do not recommend using this while the car is in motion since it may burn out the motor due to wind resistance.


We tested this on our shop car with a FMIC and in most cases it will not work. There is not enough depth for the plate mechanism to retract. If you mount the FMIC further back it might be possible but would not work on our test car. Otherwise the plate would protrude out too far when in the closed position.

For normal s2000's without a FMIC the fitment is spot on and you can chose if you want it centered or in our case on the demo car, slightly offset to either side.

These are in stock and ready to be shipped!  



Wanted to share some pictures of a local install we recently completed:

Posted Image


here's another video from a customer (NSX) installation:

