TK's Yellow Krait LJK Buildup by tkfx

By diyauto
( 2 )

2 minute(s) of a 91 minute read


Started up the front yesterday! First thing was first, the coilover springs had to come out. Put the jeep on full compression and took a look at things that made contact. I found that the trackbar would make contact with the diff cover at full compression and the upper axle mount on the 3 link would get within a hair width from the A/C compressor on the engine. Next step was to mock up the mounting locations for the bumps. After I found a suitable spot, I burned them in. 

Next step was to make the landing pads on the axle. I had to sacrifice some uptravel because of how I mounted my bumps more inboard then the coilovers. This throws the bumps and shocks off the same plane so they see different numbers when you compress and extend each side of the axle. So today I got the landing pads welded up and ready to go on the axle and I was able to make some new bends on my trackbar so it cleared the diff cover properly. On top of all that I took off my tierod, draglink, and trackbar and gave it a new paint job. Tomorrow I should be done with the front, and hopefully next weekend I can finish the rear.


This is sooooo bad ass!

Posted by bdub on 7/1/16 @ 9:42:01 AM