- Philips screw driver
- small flathead screw driver (stock knob removal)
- utility knife
- staple gun (optional)
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2004-06 Pontiac GTO
Redline leather console, shift boot and brake boot installation instructions.
Difficulty level: Novice
Special notes: Install leather boots at room temperature or warmer. Leather will be more pliable and easier to work with.
Wrinkles on leather with disappear a few days or sooner after installation.

Step 1: Remove Philips screw (1) below ash tray cover.

Figure 1. Console screw.
Step 2: Remove screws (2) from console lid.

Figure 2. Console lid screws.
Step 3: a. Pry up at small arrows of the console towards car front.
b. Continue to pull up until bottom of TC, door lock and window switch
have cleared console base.
c. Last, pull back at large arrow towards car rear.
Step 4: Unplug connectors from TC, door lock and window switches.
Step 5: Remove factory shift boot and knob. Note if aftermarket knob, refer to aftermarket knob instruction for removal.

Figure 3. Bottom console removal.

Figure 4. Switches and connectors.
a. Usesmallflatbladescrewdrivertopryclipsawayfrommetalhandlewhile pulling handle with great force since handle is RTV’d on the shaft from the factory.
b. If threaded knob, unscrew knob from threaded shaft.

Figure 5a. Stock knob removal.

Figure 5b. Aftermarket threaded knob removal. Threaded shaft shown.
Step 6: Remove stock shift boot. Pry boot retaining ring clips (small arrows) carefully.

Figure 6. Shift boot retaining ring.
Step 7a: Stock boot is pulled from retaining ring. Fit Redline boot over ring making sure edges of boot are secured in retaining ring grips (red arrows).

Figure 7a. Redline boot fitted on retaining ring.
Step 7b: Use small flat blade screw driver to insert boot edges into grips.

Figure 7b. Closeup of retaining ring grips.

Figure 7c. Redline boot installed on factory retaining ring.
Step 8: Remove six screws from console lid cover plate.

Figure 8. Factory console lid.
Step 9: Stretch Redline console boot over lid and secure with staples (optional). Note that factory boot is stapled. Redline boot is installed over factory boot.

Figure 9. Redline console boot fitted and secured with staples.
Step 10: Reinstall console lid cover plate onto new redline console boot.

Figure 10. Factory console plate reinstalled over Redline boot.
Step 11: Slip Redline brake handle boot over factory handle and rubber boot. No tools are needed for installation of brake handle boot.

Figure 11a. Redline brake boot installed on factory boot.

Figure 11b. Redline boot installed over factory boot.
Step 12: Installation of console boot and shift boot is reverse of removal.
Congratulations you have installed your Redline leather console, manual shift boot, and brake handle boot. Step back and admire your work.