Project Build: sc2020 - MK3 G60 - By sdezego

By stevegolf
( 1 )

3 minute(s) of a 278 minute read


Worked a bit on the IC during Lunch so decided to back the C out and take some finished pics of the Repainted Front, New Bumper Grill, and SFT 70mm lip. I can't say enough about the quality of this product 

February 25, 2012

I had a bit of time to work on the modifications needed for the IC. I cut off the in/out, Welded up the Sensor ports on the end tanks, moved a section of the end tank ~1/4" to clear the Pass Ecode Headlight and also welded a mount.

Pics are not the best

Very pleased with the quality of the core!

The start

March 04, 2012

Busy week/end, but got a bit to put toward the car.

I spent most of the day Sat cleaning up my garage and organizing (much needed) and it also gave me the gumption to transplant the new full mock bay on top

Just some early mocks on what I have planned for this side of the IC

Mock clears everything including brake duct with a tad bit of room for movement. Cut off tow hook area will be reinforced.

New Full Mock Bay

The Alt Clears everything nicely

For once, the VW Gods are giving me a pass!! I was really worried about needing to rework the Evaporator and re-orient the Expansion valve based on crude measurements. Well, low and behold, something actually worked in my favor for a change. 
