DIY Auto Bros House Remodel

By diyauto
( 1 )

8 minute(s) of a 21 minute read


Steve got a head start on the house before I moved into town 8/1/15. He was able to rip up most of the floor and start some of the larger construction projects with the crew.

The house looked fairly decent, however once we dug in, we realized we got into quite a large project. These photos are from Steve's album.

Oh god...the floor glue.. we spent WEEKS scraping that crap! this really explains the care that went into this house with previous owners. So you drop a bucket of plaster on the ground, how do you clean it up?? Just throw some newspapers and a rug over it.... ugh!!! lol

Lead paint on all walls....

The beer in the pic is just the tip of the iceberg, we drank so much Leinenkugels that summer we should of gotten SPONSORED!! :)

These next three images cause me to have flashbacks..... AHHHH!! NO MORE GLUEE!!!! MY WRIST!!

Carpet, over flooring, over.... what you may ask?

Beautiful white pine!!! 

Steve got serious with the scraping, brought in the equipment.

Did a pretty good job, we still did weeks of manual scraping by hand. :(

100 years of gunk! Breath it in!

Soon as you can see, these people laid down a rug, and stained around it. Yes I'm serious. No this is not a joke, and yes they did the same thing in the dining room.

Ok, so another interesting part of the house. The back bathroom never had a completed wall, meaning when your taking a dump, your pretty much in the kitchen. 

.....Yes. This is real.

They opened up the doorway from the dining room to the kitchen, and yes there it is! JUST STAIN AROUND THE RUG, IT WILL LOOK JUST FINE....... (what is this world coming too)

YES!!!! So this made me very happy. The floor guys did an awesome job. There were some troubled spots but overall very good shape. Not bad for floors laid back in 1918!!

Thats me!! Im repairing the future office. These walls needed a lot of love and care.

The sunroom is a great room, but it started off as the worst room in the house. Whole room was just deteriorating.

Steve loving the white dust! So much inhaled by both of us... bleh. office looking smooth!

Let just paint the lock shut..

Floors turned out AMAZING!! Whole house looks like this. :)

Downstairs looking fresh.

Me doing the first round on the sunroom. Leinenkugel's? Well accept your sponsorship whenever your ready. :) well take payment in kegs.

Turned out alright.
