2004 WRX - Shoopster's build (or rather, repair) thread by Shoopster

By diyauto
( 1 )

5 minute(s) of a 237 minute read



Update: Shoopster's got a brand new glass


I entered my stats on Fuelly today, average 23 MPG.

Not great but better than I expected  

Didn't distinguish between city & highway because I live 500 yards from the on-ramp; city driving represents maybe 5-10%.


This happened today! 

STi V5 for the winter


Ok have I got an UPDATE!!1!  

The Shoopster was having boost issues since I bought it in April. For the longest time it was no boost (just vacuum), and since the up-pipe and timing belt (etc.) jobs it had never topped 8 psi. Until today! 

I'd like to start by thanking Simon for his work on this today, the guy who sold me the wheels 

Referring to pictures below: There was this garden-hose kludge across the bottom-front of the intercooler (1) because the blow-off valve's 'trumpet' couldn't be installed over it, apparently. We learned this, in fact, while re-installing the metal pipe that goes there (5) (2nd pic). 

The BOV is a Turbosmart Dualport, came with the car; it can be 50/50 (atmosphere/recirculating) or 100% recirc with a blank (delete) installed. The plan was to try the blank first (6) and if that didn't do the job, to install an OEM bypass valve that I bought from zax (thanks zax!).

Next, the boost gauge was connected to a "T" just before the BOV (2). This had to be rerouted (arrow) and connected elsewhere (7) (8).

My stock heatshield (3) looks a lil' something like rusted swiss cheese (click). The wastegate actuator was heavily rusted, and missing the c-clip. Respectively, replaced and installed. 


(AFTER) (open in new tab for larger image)

Also installed the PTP Turbo blanket I bought back in May (2 weeks into owning the shoop) and -FINALLY!!- the Cobb heatshield michaelwfox GAVE me!  

And wouldja just look at that nice clean actuator 

We went for a ride around the block (country-side block, a couple miles) and much to our suprise... nothing. 


Well, almost nothing. The turbo blanket was smoking, that was a little disconcerting. (I left Mattypants a panicked voicemail lol)

So, Simon's currently rebuilding a 2004 WRX/STi swap. The body is a barenaked skeleton, sitting freshly painted on freshly painted wheels, its innards are strewn across his garage. He made a call to ask his friend's advice, then he fished a boost control solenoid (4) from his mountain of parts and switched mine out. (In fact, EJ257 told me how to test the BCS just last week, but I didn't quite understand what I was listening for  ) 

Off we went around the block again and like magic, BOOST! 

The change was immediate and evident. 

The gauge needle used to hover below zero (in vacuum) unless I really pushed the throttle, up to, say, 100mph. Even then it used to struggle to get to 7-8 psi, the needle would shudder like it was suffering.

Now it's out of vacuum (needle at zero) as soon as I press the gas. Hard acceleration, pushing a solid 10-11, easily. Peak is an unbelievable 14.5 psi at WOT. 

Next plans: a road trip and a WTF tune. 
